Father's Promise DLC is an original tale set in the world of This War of Mine. It tells a story of family’s struggle to preserve the last pieces of humanity in times of despair and cruelty. Become Adam - a father trying to save his daughter from the horrors of war and leave the besieged city. This War of Mine: Stories: 1st episode: The Father's Promise - a heartbreaking tale of loss and hope in a war-torn city 2nd episode: The Last Broadcast – as a radio-operator you are going to face moral dilemmas and decide, whether there is a price too high for the truth.
This War Of Mine: Stories - Father's Promise (ep.1) For Mac Os
This War of Mine is a game inspired by authentic events set in the realities of the conflict taking place in modern times, in which the theme of survival in adverse circumstances was strongly emphasized. Unlike other games set in the realities of war, in This War of Mine we take control of a group of civilians whose primary goal is to survive in the middle of a besieged city - being in an atmosphere of constant threat to life and encountering a number of unpredictable situations created by constantly changing conditions on the battlefield. During the game we measure, among others with the problem of hunger, lack of medicine or the danger posed by snipers.